The conference will take place in the Computer Science building at 35 Olden Street (map view, parking information) in Room 104 (floorplan).
Friday, October 13th
How Does This Open-Ended Question Make You Feel?
William Hobbs and Daniel Hopkins. Latent dimensions of attitudes on the Affordable Care Act: An application of stabilized text scaling to open-ended survey responses. [paper]
Kevin Foley. Research design considerations for open-ended survey questions.
Discussant: Jacob Montgomery
Unquiet Flows the Donald
Alexandra Siegel, Nikitin Evgenii, Pablo Barbera, Joanna Sterling, Bethany Pullen, Richard Bonneau, Jonathan Nagler, and Joshua A. Tucker. Trumping hate on Twitter? Online hate speech and white nationalist rhetoric in the 2016 US election campaign and its aftermath. [paper, slides]
Svitlana Volkova, Kyle Shaffer, Yea Jin, and Nathan Hodas. Separating facts from fiction: Linguistic models to classify suspicious and trusted news posts on Twitter.
Discussant: Molly Roberts
Fake Pews!
Emily Kalah Gade, Jon Schaeffer, and John Wilkerson. Insecurity and religiosity in the US Senate. [paper]
Baekkwan Park, Michael Colaresi, and Jiliang Tang. Detecting Disinformation: Conflict of Interest Editing on Wikipedia.
Discussant: Amber Boydstun
The Roots of Reference
Laura Nelson. Computational grounded theory.
Nick Beauchamp, Peter Levine and Sarah Shugars. Mapping conceptual networks.
Discussant: Paul DiMaggio
America's Next Top(ic) Model
Angela Fan, Finale Doshi-Velez, and Luke Miratrix. Prior matters: simple and general methods for evaluating and improving topic quality in topic modeling. [slides]
Allison Chaney, Yuki Shiraito, and Brandon Stewart. The power of aggregation in topic models used for measurement.
Discussant: Will Lowe
Saturday, October 14th
Proportional Representation
Ryan J. Gallagher, Kyle Reing, David Kale, and Greg Ver Steeg. Anchored correlation explanation: Topic modeling with minimal domain knowledge.
Dallas Card and Noah A. Smith. Estimating proportions using inductive Venn-Abers predictors.
Discussant: Brendan O’Connor
Hot Law
Martha Jeong, Julia Minson, Michael Yeomans, and Francesca Gino. Communicating warmth in negotiations.
Bryce J. Dietrich and Maya Sen. Do oral arguments influence the language of majority opinions?
Discussant: Marc Ratkovic
Fwd: Fw: RE: You have to see this paper!
Bomin Kim, Aaron Schein, Bruce Desmarais, and Hanna A. Wallach. A network model for dynamic textual communications with application to government email corpora.
Naoki Egami, Christian Fong, Justin Grimmer, Margaret Roberts, and Brandon Stewart. How to make causal inferences using texts.
Discussant: Sarah Bouchat